恭賀李百祺教授榮獲IFMBE Otto Schmitt Award

恭賀🎉🎉🎉李百祺教授榮獲IFMBE Otto Schmitt Award
About IFMBE: (全世界各國59個專業機構組成,成員約12萬人)
The International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) is primarily a federation of national and transnational societies. These professional organizations represent interests in medical and biological engineering. The IFMBE is also a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), where we are uniquely positioned to influence the delivery of health care to the world through Biomedical and Clinical Engineering.The Federation now has an estimated 120,000 members in 59 affiliated organizations.
About Otto Schmitt Award: (IFMBE 最高之學術獎項,每三年遴選一次,本屆因為疫情影響與上屆間隔四年)
The Otto Schmitt Award is given to a Biomedical Engineer for exceptional contributions to the advancement of the field of medical and biological engineering.The criteria for nominations include innovation, leadership, and seminal contributions to medical and biological engineering. Nominees must be members of an IFMBE affiliated organization.