|講者:國立陽明交通大學 生醫光電所 高甫仁教授
|主題:Merging Microscopy and Macro Photography with Expansion Microscopy for Connectome Imaging
Dr. Fu-Jen Kao ‘s research interests include Optical Physics and Biophotonics. He received his Bachelor of Science (BA) in Physics from the National Taiwan University (June 1983), Master of Science (MA) from Cornell University (August 1988), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D. in Physics from Cornell University (August 1993).
He has served as the Vice President (2017-2019) of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS), the President of the Taiwan Physical Society (2014-2016), and the Vice President of the Taiwan Physical Society (2012-2014).
He championed multiphoton microscopy in Taiwan since the late 1990s. Based on multiphoton microscopy, his research laboratory has successfully developed many advanced techniques with a wide variety of imaging modalities, including two-photon, OBIC, SHG, THG, CARS, stimulated emission, FLIM/FRET, etc. His recent research interest includes endoscopy and macro photography for connectome imaging.
Prof. Kao is a Fellow of the Taiwan Physical Society, SPIE, and Royal Microscopy Society.