|講者:IEEE Taipei Section 鄭桂忠 理事長
|主題:A Miniature Gas Sensing System for Breath Analysis
Dr. Tang is a senior member of IEEE. He is member of IEEE SSCS, CASS, EDS, and EMBS. He was the Past Chair of IEEE Biomedical and Life Science Circuits Systems Technical Committee (BioCAS). He is the current Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS). He has served as TPC member of ISSCC, IEDM, ISCAS, and BioCAS. He was IEEE CAS Chapter Chair of Taipei Section (2017-2018). He is now Chair of IEEE Taipei Section. He was a Board of Governor (BoG) of CAS Society, serving as Representative of Region 10 (2020~2021). He is the current Vice President – Regional Activities and Membership of IEEE CASS.